Friday, February 1, 2008

More Stash

So my husband and I go to visit his uncle about a week ago. He is the type of person who can make just about anything. He made all his dining room and living room furniture and they seriously look like they came right out of France in the 1700s - they have the cool dragon-claw feet holding onto a ball and all these intricate carvings on the back. He also makes ducks where every feather is individually carved, not to mention making all his own draperies and lampshades. We're talking and my husband casually mentions how I've been doing a lot of knitting lately. His uncle promptly asks me if I would like some yarn (like I'm going to say no to that one). Apparently when he made his furniture he also embroidered all the seats as well as made tapestry-style pillows to match. These were his leftovers:

There's no acrylic in any of that - it's all wool! I've already gotten suggestions on ravelry from someone who's felted with tapestry wool and says it works great, so I think that is what I will try with some of it. So many colors! Plus he gave me a large container of embroider floss (already separated into little drawers for all the colors!).

As wonderful as this gift is, it unfortunately brings me back to my greater problem - where do I put it? I do actually have a bedroom designated to be the "Craft Room" but right now it is "Where To Store Anything I Want To Keep Protected While the House Is Still Under Construction Room." In addition, I already have 12 big Rubbermaid bins labeled either 'craft' or 'yarn.' When the room is finished I will be both excited to go through the bins and find cool stuff I haven't seen in years as well as apprehensive of the inevitable fact that I will already have too much stash to fit into the shelves and drawers that will be in the Craft Room...

None of this of course is stopping me from looking forward to finding more cool yarn in February when the new local yarn store opens. I promise I will stop adding to my stash after that... I promise...