Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Beautiful Beads

Didn't get much knitting done this last weekend, because we spent TWO full days at the Rock and Gem Show! It was very awesome; Bloomington has one of the best Rock and Gem Shows in the region and as I have two rockhounds in the family it must be an all-day event (well, kind of... I had to go back to work for a couple hours on Friday - couldn't get off entirely...).

But the really exciting thing is that I got lots and lots of beautiful beads for wholesale prices:
Look how pretty they are! You are jealous; I know you are. I am so friggin' excited right now. I wish my craft room was finished so that I could just lay everything out to stare at for hours, but I must be patient.

I still have this nagging voice in the back of my head telling me that the last thing I need right now is to start another hobby, but I am ignoring that voice because it is no fun.

Anyway, since I finished my FSM birthday present, I have moved on to trying to make my lace mitts. Right now I have about five rows done and it looks like total crap. I am hoping that it will improve as I go along, but we will see.